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Athletic Sport Zinc + Magnesium + B6

$298.00 HKD






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ZN + MG + B6 by Athletic Sport

The world of sports supplementation can get mighty confusing, but with the ZN + MG + B6 you know the essentials for great health and wellbeing are covered. A simple yet effective blend of Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6 to assist in great energy levels, and maintaining muscle and nerve health.

  • Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Reduces lactic acid build-up
  • Supports energy levels
  • Maintains muscle and nerve health
  • Gluten and Dairy-free
  • No artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners

It is well known that the modern Western diet does not always meet our needs for nutrients and minerals. We may even be trying to include more fruits and vegetables in our daily diets, yet still fall short of nutrient requirements as our food quality has gone down over time. Adding a supplement of the most essential nutrients and minerals like ZN + MG + B6, is an easy way to reduce our chance of deficiencies and feel fighting fit on the daily. Athletic Sport produces their supplements in a GMP facility, ensuring strict standards and quality control measures are a top priority.



One of the most common deficiencies in the Australian population is Zinc, with foods like red meat, shellfish, nuts and seeds often under consumed. Supplementing Zinc can assist our body in fighting pathogens, improving immune cell function and assisting us to build proteins. Zinc is vital for keeping our skin healthy, and healing tissue.


An essential mineral that the human body uses in many processes, and even more so when under stress. Magnesium helps to support the nervous system, muscle relaxation, healthy blood pressure and keeps blood sugar balanced. Insomnia and irregular sleeping patterns can be improved with magnesium supplementation.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is necessary for our nervous system to function normally, and produce healthy neurotransmitters. Red blood cells require B6 for regular growth, boosting our energy levels. B6 is essential to keep our hearts and brains healthy in the long term.

Directions for use
1 or 2 capsules at a time, maximum of 3 capsules per day.









A table comparing the facets of 4 products
Abcuts 黑金版 Sleek & Lean MIDSECTION SOLUTION
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SST AbCuts 高體脂適用腹肌配方
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SST Control 增強飽足、控制食慾配方
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SST 新 · 藍丸 + 辣椒素 強效持久消脂丸
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$368.00 HKD
$198.00 HKD
$238.00 HKD
From $368.00 HKD
Description🔥 以脂肪擊退脂肪!美國健身界最高技術品牌廠商出品,正規代理首度引入亞洲第16批貨量火速銷售,再度引爆腹肌熱潮。(忠告顧客慎防劣質水貨。) 雖然這款「Abcuts 黑金版」我們一直說是對於「本身體脂比例比較高」的人有比較好的效果,這是基於主要CLA成份的相關研究。 不過,自從幾年前我們引入這款產品之後,收到的顧客回饋當中不少是即將去比賽的男女健美運動員,說這款產品在最後的修身階段有明顯幫助,就是可以作為最後突破之用。 建議連續使用三個月以上效果最佳,大約是五樽的份量。 試想想看... 如果每次運動, 身體都能使用更多脂肪作為能量消耗? 如果每次進食,... Text 官方委託紐約創作者Lera Kogan最新作品 View this post on Instagram A post... SST Control 增強飽足、控制食慾配方 減脂從熱量攝取控制開始!   SST Control從控制熱量攝取方面著手減低身體因為過量進食而導致的脂肪形成,並透過提高飽足感改變飲食習慣,令消脂後減少出現反彈的情況。 【震撼健身界 美國神級傳奇摔角手John Cena簽約Performix】... 延續 Terra智能分段緩釋技術,新版本 SST 注入了專利配方 Capsimax® 辣椒素 成分,進一步加強生熱效能 (Thermogenesis) 發揮,令用家即使處於靜態、非運動的狀態下,又無論進行何種飲食及運動習慣,一樣能夠提升基礎代謝、增加全日熱量消耗,名乎其實【躺平】都可以消脂! 「消脂藍丸」成分天然、又能加快消脂速度,絕對沒有不用的理由,難怪香港地區已經經歷十七輪預購,依然供不應求。...
Athletic Sport

Athletic Sport Zinc + Magnesium + B6

$298.00 HKD

ZN + MG + B6 by Athletic Sport

The world of sports supplementation can get mighty confusing, but with the ZN + MG + B6 you know the essentials for great health and wellbeing are covered. A simple yet effective blend of Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6 to assist in great energy levels, and maintaining muscle and nerve health.

  • Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Reduces lactic acid build-up
  • Supports energy levels
  • Maintains muscle and nerve health
  • Gluten and Dairy-free
  • No artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners

It is well known that the modern Western diet does not always meet our needs for nutrients and minerals. We may even be trying to include more fruits and vegetables in our daily diets, yet still fall short of nutrient requirements as our food quality has gone down over time. Adding a supplement of the most essential nutrients and minerals like ZN + MG + B6, is an easy way to reduce our chance of deficiencies and feel fighting fit on the daily. Athletic Sport produces their supplements in a GMP facility, ensuring strict standards and quality control measures are a top priority.



One of the most common deficiencies in the Australian population is Zinc, with foods like red meat, shellfish, nuts and seeds often under consumed. Supplementing Zinc can assist our body in fighting pathogens, improving immune cell function and assisting us to build proteins. Zinc is vital for keeping our skin healthy, and healing tissue.


An essential mineral that the human body uses in many processes, and even more so when under stress. Magnesium helps to support the nervous system, muscle relaxation, healthy blood pressure and keeps blood sugar balanced. Insomnia and irregular sleeping patterns can be improved with magnesium supplementation.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is necessary for our nervous system to function normally, and produce healthy neurotransmitters. Red blood cells require B6 for regular growth, boosting our energy levels. B6 is essential to keep our hearts and brains healthy in the long term.

Directions for use
1 or 2 capsules at a time, maximum of 3 capsules per day.








  • 60粒 (30天用量)
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