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Important Notice Example
重要提示:由於MYPROTEIN 目前正在分批換上新包裝,因此除了藍白色包裝外,顧客亦有機會收到最新的橙米色包裝;無論新、舊包裝,我們的貨量批次均是從英國廠房直接發送的【可預期最新批次】因此不存在新貨/舊貨的情況。另外官方亦表示除了包裝不同外,成分及配方均維持不變,敬請留意。

無需優惠碼 結帳自動折扣

能量 + 消脂

Myprotein L-Carnitine Tablets 1000mg - 180 caps 丸裝左旋肉鹼

$118.00 HKD $380.00 HKD






VISA / Mastercard / 支付寶 / WeChat Pay / Apple Pay / PayMe / FPS轉數快 (二維碼操作) / UnionPay



為什麼澳洲International Protein近年能夠引發香港少見的蛋白粉轉用熱潮?


What is L-Carnitine?

L-Carnitine is an amino acid that is found naturally in the body, and is formed from the amino acids lysine and methionine. Our high-strength l-carnitine tablets deliver 1000mg per serving, for a super-convenient and powerful boost to your amino acid intake.

Plus, they’re suitable for vegetarians and vegans too — making them the perfect amino acid supplement for anyone following a plant-based diet.

Whatever your fitness goal, these l-carnitine tablets have been formulated to help even your toughest workouts, as well as support a balanced diet.


  • 1000mg (1g) of carnitine per serving
  • Super-convenient tablet form
  • Suitable for vegans and vegetarians



What are the benefits of L-Carnitine?

L-Carnitine is an amino acid occurring naturally in protein, which helps to grow and maintain muscle1 — that’s important as you strive for progress, whatever your goal.

Our L-Carnitine tablets are also great for vegans and vegetarians, as carnitine is usually found in red meats, meaning it can be difficult to get from a plant-based diet alone.


What is the best L-Carnitine?

We offer l-carnitine in a few different forms — so that you can find the one that’s best for you.

L-Carnitine tablets are ideal for a quick solution that fits into any routine





A table comparing the facets of 4 products
Abcuts 黑金版 Sleek & Lean MIDSECTION SOLUTION
View details
SST AbCuts 高體脂適用腹肌配方
View details
SST Control 增強飽足、控制食慾配方
View details
SST 新 · 藍丸 + 辣椒素 強效持久消脂丸
View details
$368.00 HKD
$198.00 HKD
$198.00 HKD
From $368.00 HKD
專業介紹🔥 以脂肪擊退脂肪!美國健身界最高技術品牌廠商出品,正規代理首度引入亞洲第16批貨量火速銷售,再度引爆腹肌熱潮。(忠告顧客慎防劣質水貨。) 雖然這款「Abcuts 黑金版」我們一直說是對於「本身體脂比例比較高」的人有比較好的效果,這是基於主要CLA成份的相關研究。 不過,自從幾年前我們引入這款產品之後,收到的顧客回饋當中不少是即將去比賽的男女健美運動員,說這款產品在最後的修身階段有明顯幫助,就是可以作為最後突破之用。 建議連續使用三個月以上效果最佳,大約是五樽的份量。 主要成分: CLA 共軛亞油酸 (Conjugated... Text 建議用法: 每天使用兩次,每次隨著餐服用使用兩粒。具體使用份量及次數可以按你的需要調整。 官方委託紐約創作者Lera Kogan最新作品 View this post on Instagram... SST Control 增強飽足、控制食慾配方 減脂從熱量攝取控制開始! SST Control從控制熱量攝取方面著手減低身體因為過量進食而導致的脂肪形成,並透過提高飽足感改變飲食習慣,令消脂後減少出現反彈的情況。 深宵總是餓?😅有科學根據架! 我們日常經常感受到的”飢餓感“其實主要來自於瘦體素的作用,瘦體素 (Leptin) 是一種負責調節脂肪生成、代謝的物質,會因應體內環境、體脂比例,來決定是否向大腦發出飢餓訊號,提醒你是否應該進食,不過一旦遇上壓力增加、睡眠不足,瘦體素也會出現失靈的情況。... 《熱賣十年》數以萬計用家證實有效,藍丸已成「消脂丸」的行業標準! 建議用法: 無論當天是否有做運動,也是連續早上或者起床的時候飽肚服用兩粒。 使用週期長度可以按照你的需要及目標而定,我們顧客會平均連續使用兩至三個月。 延續 Terra智能分段緩釋技術,新版本 SST 注入了專利配方 Capsimax® 辣椒素...

Myprotein L-Carnitine Tablets 1000mg - 180 caps 丸裝左旋肉鹼

$118.00 HKD $380.00 HKD

What is L-Carnitine?

L-Carnitine is an amino acid that is found naturally in the body, and is formed from the amino acids lysine and methionine. Our high-strength l-carnitine tablets deliver 1000mg per serving, for a super-convenient and powerful boost to your amino acid intake.

Plus, they’re suitable for vegetarians and vegans too — making them the perfect amino acid supplement for anyone following a plant-based diet.

Whatever your fitness goal, these l-carnitine tablets have been formulated to help even your toughest workouts, as well as support a balanced diet.


  • 1000mg (1g) of carnitine per serving
  • Super-convenient tablet form
  • Suitable for vegans and vegetarians



What are the benefits of L-Carnitine?

L-Carnitine is an amino acid occurring naturally in protein, which helps to grow and maintain muscle1 — that’s important as you strive for progress, whatever your goal.

Our L-Carnitine tablets are also great for vegans and vegetarians, as carnitine is usually found in red meats, meaning it can be difficult to get from a plant-based diet alone.


What is the best L-Carnitine?

We offer l-carnitine in a few different forms — so that you can find the one that’s best for you.

L-Carnitine tablets are ideal for a quick solution that fits into any routine




  • 180顆 (90次用量)
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