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Athletic Sport Aminos BCAA + EAA ENERGY 暗黑氨基酸

$348.00 HKD





VISA / Mastercard / 支付寶 / WeChat Pay / Apple Pay / PayMe / FPS轉數快 (二維碼操作) / UnionPay




《黑、白版 Amino 全譜氨基酸》
· 為運動員而設的補充品:兼顧運動表現及增肌效果
· 味道更淡、更適合補充水分及電解質
· 加入 Acetyl L-Carnitine、Taurine 加強神經傳遞及反應
· 含有DAA 成分,自然提升男士活力水平
白版 Amino【International Protein Amino Recovery】
· 最多人熟悉的、The One and Only 螢光水
· 更高必要及非必要氨基酸含量
· 可能係世界上最好飲既「訓練期間補充品」
· 提高肌肉合成、加快肌肉修補、減低主觀疲勞感三大效果


使用產品附送的殼每次一殼 (9.3 g),加入 500ml-600ml 清水搖均,於訓練前15分鐘,或在訓練期間飲用。

Athletic Sport - Aminos

Known as the building blocks of life, Amino acids help the body to grow, break down food, repair body tissue and repair muscle after exercise. As a great source of energy they’re also important in keeping you feeling vitalised and motivated throughout the day. Amino’s aren’t just for those looking to get the most out of training, they’re incredibly important in maintaining your general health too!  

  • Instant delivery of building blocks (amino acids) to the muscles:
  • Protects muscles during exercise and kick-starts the recovery process immediately after exercise.
  • Fully Dosed BCAA & EAA for Muscle Repair & Recovery
  • When used with carbohydrate it improves protein balance and muscle protein synthesis, already during exercise!
  • Acetyl L Carnitine & Tyrosine for Focus & Alertness
  • Electrolytes & Cofactors to Maintain Cell Hydration & Fluids
  • Gluten, Lactose & Soy Free

How Aminos Work:

There are 9 essential Amino acids that are important for your health and wellbeing, however these cannot be made by the body, and in fact can only come from a healthy diet. Athletic Sport’s Aminos EAA + BCAA Energy contain all 9 of these essential Aminos along with an additional 3 non-essential amino acids that promote protein synthesis and prevent muscle catabolism which are vital for the body’s recovery process after intense training. Protein Synthesis is the biological process in which individual cells build up cellular proteins after they have been lost in exercise.

Athletic Sport Amino also contains PeptoPro®, a patented hydrolysed protein ingredient made from milk protein casein. It has the same amino acid profile as casein, which is excellent for recovery thanks to the high Glutamine levels along with the full spectrum of Essential Amino Acids (EAA’s). As most people know, Casein in its native form is very slowly digested, however by hydrolysing the casein in PeptoPro® , the result is a protein consisting of many small peptides (>60% di and tri peptides) and very few free form amino acids.

What is the significance of these peptides? Di and Tri peptides are much more rapidly absorbed than free Amino Acids or native/intact (unhydrolysed) proteins. PeptoPro® has a very fast passage through the stomach and is very rapidly absorbed from the gut leading to fast appearance in the circularity system where it can be taken up into the muscle.

Substantial human clincial studies show PeptoPro® ® can improve endurance, reduce muscle soreness, deliver faster recovery and increase muscle growth. This is possible because PeptoPro® ® contains the ALL the EAA’s, not just the BCAA’s, and in the most rapidly absorbed form possible. That’s right, these nutrients can be accessed by your body within minutes. The recovery process doesn’t wait until you finish your workout, so neither should your recovery supplement.



A table comparing the facets of 4 products
Abcuts 黑金版 Sleek & Lean MIDSECTION SOLUTION
View details
SST AbCuts 高體脂適用腹肌配方
View details
SST Control 增強飽足、控制食慾配方
View details
SST 新 · 藍丸 + 辣椒素 強效持久消脂丸
View details
$368.00 HKD
$198.00 HKD
$198.00 HKD
From $368.00 HKD
專業介紹🔥 以脂肪擊退脂肪!美國健身界最高技術品牌廠商出品,正規代理首度引入亞洲第16批貨量火速銷售,再度引爆腹肌熱潮。(忠告顧客慎防劣質水貨。) 雖然這款「Abcuts 黑金版」我們一直說是對於「本身體脂比例比較高」的人有比較好的效果,這是基於主要CLA成份的相關研究。 不過,自從幾年前我們引入這款產品之後,收到的顧客回饋當中不少是即將去比賽的男女健美運動員,說這款產品在最後的修身階段有明顯幫助,就是可以作為最後突破之用。 建議連續使用三個月以上效果最佳,大約是五樽的份量。 主要成分: CLA 共軛亞油酸 (Conjugated... Text 建議用法: 每天使用兩次,每次隨著餐服用使用兩粒。具體使用份量及次數可以按你的需要調整。 官方委託紐約創作者Lera Kogan最新作品 View this post on Instagram... SST Control 增強飽足、控制食慾配方 減脂從熱量攝取控制開始! SST Control從控制熱量攝取方面著手減低身體因為過量進食而導致的脂肪形成,並透過提高飽足感改變飲食習慣,令消脂後減少出現反彈的情況。 深宵總是餓?😅有科學根據架! 我們日常經常感受到的”飢餓感“其實主要來自於瘦體素的作用,瘦體素 (Leptin) 是一種負責調節脂肪生成、代謝的物質,會因應體內環境、體脂比例,來決定是否向大腦發出飢餓訊號,提醒你是否應該進食,不過一旦遇上壓力增加、睡眠不足,瘦體素也會出現失靈的情況。... 《熱賣十年》數以萬計用家證實有效,藍丸已成「消脂丸」的行業標準! 建議用法: 無論當天是否有做運動,也是連續早上或者起床的時候飽肚服用兩粒。 使用週期長度可以按照你的需要及目標而定,我們顧客會平均連續使用兩至三個月。 延續 Terra智能分段緩釋技術,新版本 SST 注入了專利配方 Capsimax® 辣椒素...
Athletic Sport

Athletic Sport Aminos BCAA + EAA ENERGY 暗黑氨基酸

$348.00 HKD


《黑、白版 Amino 全譜氨基酸》
· 為運動員而設的補充品:兼顧運動表現及增肌效果
· 味道更淡、更適合補充水分及電解質
· 加入 Acetyl L-Carnitine、Taurine 加強神經傳遞及反應
· 含有DAA 成分,自然提升男士活力水平
白版 Amino【International Protein Amino Recovery】
· 最多人熟悉的、The One and Only 螢光水
· 更高必要及非必要氨基酸含量
· 可能係世界上最好飲既「訓練期間補充品」
· 提高肌肉合成、加快肌肉修補、減低主觀疲勞感三大效果


使用產品附送的殼每次一殼 (9.3 g),加入 500ml-600ml 清水搖均,於訓練前15分鐘,或在訓練期間飲用。

Athletic Sport - Aminos

Known as the building blocks of life, Amino acids help the body to grow, break down food, repair body tissue and repair muscle after exercise. As a great source of energy they’re also important in keeping you feeling vitalised and motivated throughout the day. Amino’s aren’t just for those looking to get the most out of training, they’re incredibly important in maintaining your general health too!  

  • Instant delivery of building blocks (amino acids) to the muscles:
  • Protects muscles during exercise and kick-starts the recovery process immediately after exercise.
  • Fully Dosed BCAA & EAA for Muscle Repair & Recovery
  • When used with carbohydrate it improves protein balance and muscle protein synthesis, already during exercise!
  • Acetyl L Carnitine & Tyrosine for Focus & Alertness
  • Electrolytes & Cofactors to Maintain Cell Hydration & Fluids
  • Gluten, Lactose & Soy Free

How Aminos Work:

There are 9 essential Amino acids that are important for your health and wellbeing, however these cannot be made by the body, and in fact can only come from a healthy diet. Athletic Sport’s Aminos EAA + BCAA Energy contain all 9 of these essential Aminos along with an additional 3 non-essential amino acids that promote protein synthesis and prevent muscle catabolism which are vital for the body’s recovery process after intense training. Protein Synthesis is the biological process in which individual cells build up cellular proteins after they have been lost in exercise.

Athletic Sport Amino also contains PeptoPro®, a patented hydrolysed protein ingredient made from milk protein casein. It has the same amino acid profile as casein, which is excellent for recovery thanks to the high Glutamine levels along with the full spectrum of Essential Amino Acids (EAA’s). As most people know, Casein in its native form is very slowly digested, however by hydrolysing the casein in PeptoPro® , the result is a protein consisting of many small peptides (>60% di and tri peptides) and very few free form amino acids.

What is the significance of these peptides? Di and Tri peptides are much more rapidly absorbed than free Amino Acids or native/intact (unhydrolysed) proteins. PeptoPro® has a very fast passage through the stomach and is very rapidly absorbed from the gut leading to fast appearance in the circularity system where it can be taken up into the muscle.

Substantial human clincial studies show PeptoPro® ® can improve endurance, reduce muscle soreness, deliver faster recovery and increase muscle growth. This is possible because PeptoPro® ® contains the ALL the EAA’s, not just the BCAA’s, and in the most rapidly absorbed form possible. That’s right, these nutrients can be accessed by your body within minutes. The recovery process doesn’t wait until you finish your workout, so neither should your recovery supplement.


  • ~300g (30 次用量)


  • Margarita 瑪格麗塔(不含酒精)
  • Mojito 莫希托雞尾酒(不含酒精)
  • Pineapple Strawberry 菠蘿士多啤梨
  • Strawberry Kiwi 士多啤梨奇異果
  • Blue Raspberry 藍莓味
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